Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nov. 1, 2011 Heading Into Florida

Spent 3 days  in Belhaven NC because of the windy, rainy weather. Above, is a mansion built by one of the lumber mill owners in 1904. Today the town is deserted. It caters to the cotton farmers nearby.  Hurricane Irene hit the town hard.
Sunset at Belhaven

Johnson's and O"leary's at dinner

Leaving Belhaven

The weather has been chilly in the morning. Heats up to around 70 during the day. Pretty windy.

We became pretty skilled at passing giant ships in small waters.

Traveling thru SC, heading to Charleston

The Mega Dock at Charleston Marina. this dock is full of beautiful mega yachts.
Patrick, notice the Fleming

My cousin Ed and his wife Jonnette moved to Charleston. Went to dinner at a great barbecue place.

We reached Jekyll Island, Southern Ga on Oct. 30th. We can not enter Fl. until Nov. 1, because of a clause in our insurance. Jekyll Island was built by the rich as a beach retreat. This was the hotel they built for their guests.

Beaches of Georgia

King's Bay Submarine Base  Notice the small boat in front of the sub to keep all boaters clear.
Southern Ga. A yacht building facility just before we entered Fl. waters

New friends on their sailboat Two Drifters, Missy and Mike

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